Monday, April 30, 2012

Gardeners in Peace

The words to this hymn has been in my mind often during the past few months as we have been building a garden. Much to think on. . .  For the Beauty of Meadows ~ Hymn #640.

For the beauty of meadows, for grandeur of trees,
For flowers of woodlands, for creatures of seas,
For all You created and gave us to share,
We praise You, Creator, extolling Your care.

As stewards of beauty received at Your hand,
As creatures who hear Your most urgent command,
We turn from our wasteful destruction of life,
Confessing our failures, confessing our strife.

Teach us once again to be gardeners in peace;

All nature around us is ours but on lease;

Your name we would hallow in all that we do,
Fulfilling our calling, creating with You.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Providences of the Great War

 I found a jewel! It is titled, Providences of the Great War, by W. A. Spicer. And in case you are wondering - the war referenced is World War I because it was published in 1923.

This inspiring collection of stories is categorized into geographical sections such as Eastern Europe, Siberian Experiences, Through the War Years in Russia, In Moslem Lands and so on. Altogether they create a beautiful picture of God's faithful care for those who trust Him no matter how dark their circumstances may seem.

Stories of. . .

When a Sabbath morning air-raid passed over a group praying in a London church. And a more than four foot long bomb pierced through the flagstone walkway nearby to a depth of 9 feet without detonating.

A hen coming out into open battlefields each day to lay an egg beside a fallen soldier for almost a week until he was rescued and taken to a hospital.

A man who rejoiced in a lengthy solitary confinement because it provided an undisturbed time for prayer and study.

How an entire regiment stopped for Sabbath because of the prayer of one faithful heart.

Of being bought in a slave market - only to be set free. . . and so many other rich accounts of God's intervention.

God does not stop every bomb or intervene to prevent the death of every fallen soldier. The grief and destruction brought on by human depravity is staggering. Throughout the ages many people have asked, "Where is God in war?" Countless battles have been fought because one or both sides believed they had the divine right or destiny to destroy the other. Providences of the Great War presents in kaleidoscope form powerful personal testimonies to the sovereignty and grace of God.

Who, as the old hymn says, "keeps watch above His own" in a beautiful provision that ignores national boundaries, human prejudice, and political agendas.

"Though the cause of evil prosper, Yet 'tis truth alone is strong; 
Though her portion be the scaffold, And upon the throne be wrong;
Yet that scaffold sways the future, And, behind the dim unknown, 
Standeth God within the shadow, Keeping watch above His own."

"These are not stories of war. They are stories of deliverances amidst war. They teach the lesson of trust in God in times of distress and trouble - a lesson that can never be too well learned."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blessings Unfolding

Tomato leaves uncurling
Dirt-covered limbs all happy
Buttercup faces smiling
His gentle voice guiding
Joy in quiet duties
Hats on the wall
Carrying rocks back from walks for flowerbed hems

The tap on the shoulder to pray - so many miles away . . .
A motorcycle wreck at 60 mph
His angel(s)
No spinal cord injuries or broken bones!
Seeing Phoebe's friendly face in the ER
That I still have my Nathan :)

Mr. and Mrs. Chickadee residing in the bluebird house
Moss-made nest with love tufts of softness inside
The tiniest chickadee egglets you ever saw!
Sun-filled windows
Orchids arching graceful
Long talks with heart friends
Sisters laughing long